Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Until I do, I don’t!!!

Procrastination and an aim for perfection

So basically I have been living under the impression that until I can figure out what it is I want to write about and where it is going, I can’t write. I call this an aim for perfection, others call it procrastination.

Nomenclature aside, it’s the truth. I haven’t found anything to write about and what ever little I can think of, I don’t know where to take it. The result… silence!

I have a friend who tries his best to change this silly habit of mine, even suggesting things I can write about. It hasn’t worked has it? That’s not entirely true. The pod blog was his suggestion… Thanks man!

A quick self evaluation told me that this silliness of mine is not restricted to blogs; it seems to follow me around wherever I go. As far as I remember I have always been like this.

I feel the constant need to aim for perfection. And each time I think I have come close, my mind just raises the bar. It’s like being a dancer doing the limbo rock in reverse. Only it doesn’t get easier the higher it gets.

A corollary to this quest of mine is the desire to organize all the time. From making lists (which I assure you, is not always a bad thing) to rechecking things a million times. I also try to be freakishly neat. Constantly arranging things and doing it again if I am not quite happy with it.

It’s got to a point where friends call me ‘obsessive compulsive’ and think it is great fun to rile me by changing the placement of objects in my surroundings. To my horror they succeed in getting me fidgety.

And to think I laugh at similar quirks that Monica has in Friends, and my late uncle had. My cousin inherited it from him; I wonder where I got it from?

Dad is going to be very amused when he reads this; because he remembers all too clearly the messy room his daughter had nearly all her life… From one extreme to another!!!

I kind of prefer the new me! I need to find more things and ways to ‘do’… Until I do, I don’t!

PS: If this one meandered, it’s not my fault; I’m trying to disprove my OCD!


buckwaasur said...

hey...u talkin' 'bout me? u talkin' 'bout me?(in a deniro impersonation) :-))

i always maintain i could follow only the first part of the saying "plan out ur work and work out ur plan" :-))

must ask beach dada to provide details of kumbh mela trips made :-P

bilbo said...

good one inmyeye, you're on a roll and I love it.
buck , i got a term for that kumbh mela trip thingie. I call it KQ or kumbh quotient. I find it pretty high in DSS. So next time you wanna use the term, just remember , I accept Paypal . :p

Anonymous said...

He he .... you seem to be talkinb about me .... me dont start until I have everything planned and figured out .... i call it 'mental procrastination' .... and yeah, me also arranging things till I'm satisfied ... else I 'll just leave them as they are ...

Keep writing!

Arpana Sanjay said...

Dad is going to be very amused when he reads this; because he remembers all too clearly the messy room his daughter had nearly all her life… From one extreme to another!!!

My dad sure will be amused if he reads this comment!!

What's with that Immie?? I mean we live our childhoods & youths so darned rebelliously and then come 20 something and we start being painfully tidy and nitpicky as well!! Arrrrrgghhhh!!

inmyeye said...

@ TFS... that is mean... but admit it, it's one of things that you find endearing about me... ;-) 62.5 degree my ass!

lol @ KQ.... bilbo you are a doll... am going to keep rolling...

buck, ashu... thanks for telling me i am not alone... TFS are u listening..

chay... i am now aiming to be tidily and nitpickingly rebellious :-) LOL...

Anonymous said...

all i can say is the gas knob in the kitchen is really infectious.. its gotten to me too..:-)

bilbo said...

hey kaguma ( love this name , so am gonna use it. Hope u dunn mind)
thanks for calling me a doll but i will let u in on a secret. On DSS we call ananth a doll.