Wednesday, May 26, 2021

The rules of interaction and conversation have changed

Man is a social being and from the beginning of time has always been a part of a social forum. 

What started as a family unit grew to include multiple families. Some nomads became settlers, villages and then towns were founded and so on. As communities grew, small groups were created based on commonalities of age, interest, activity, profession, etc.

From the time of cave paintings to the instant messaging and social media we use today, communication has been a vital part of this growth and as it evolved, so has the very nature of social forums. 

Information, discussions, opinions; it has never been easier to share than it is today. But along with these new levels of openness and transparency, something inherent has changed as well. The fine lines of appropriate conversation, the un-written rules of decorum, the respect for space and privacy; all of it is different now. 

Marketing messages, political fanaticism, spreading rumours, sharing other people’s private information; the list goes on. Everything seems to have become fair game to some. Add to this, they take offence if you point it out or will blatantly ignore the unwritten rules, even after being reminded of them. 

All my life I have been taught and have followed a basic principle of appropriate content and/or conversation, depending on the medium; I still do! Images, conversations, forwards - they have to make sense to the person/s you are sharing it with. You can’t be all willy nilly about it. 

Would you share painting techniques on a Biology forum? I think not!

When you are part of multiple social forums, it is by and large very clear what each one represents. Whether specified or not, there are always some rules to follow. If unsure, ask; if you upset people, stop. There will always be different opinions within a community, but you can’t forget basic manners and good behaviour. Respect the forum and your fellow members. 


Unknown said...

Well said my dear

inmyeye said...

Thank you so much, though I wish I knew who you were.

Kusum Choppra said...

Fair enough -- that certain rules should apply, so no unnecessary rubbing someone the wrong way. Buts n ifs are frequent, especially when agenda is not laid down first, allowing only one sided posts until the other side gives up n quits.
As I wrote this in,a new angle struck me:
Isn't this is what History is all about? Archeologists have zeroed in on more than one strand of humans from the African mainstream. Perhaps climatic, environmental and other factors drew together to create physical differences in people of different environments .. for instance the earliest stock of Btitain is now believed to be dark skinned with blue eyes!!
Even rock and cave paintings often petered out at certain points. Was it over Could it be differences over how the story was being depicted? Irked one section that broke away? Hence the multiplicity of tribes, cultures and eternal battles for supremacy in humankind?

Shraddha Hattangady Mehta said...

Very true. Well said!

Manini Badlani said...

So very true. Respect, decorum and good manners in every interaction are the basis of a cultured being.

Unknown said...

Very true... I always admire your style of writing...

Unknown said...

It's unfortunate that most of the conversations today in whatsapp groups are mere impersonal forwarded messages and no real exchange of thoughts... Including greetings and wishes on festivals and important personal milestones. This is what needs to stop rather than conversations itself. We still need to have healthy conversations for ideas to emerge, progress to happens...all for the greater good. Last but not the least, will still reiterate that the essence of a good conversation is not to agree to disagree but to agree to disagree respectfully.

Anne said...

Very well said, I belive communication today has become generic.. Not personal.. The occasional phone call never hurt any one.. But seems people find it easier to type in two lines to make their presence felt.

Anne said...

Very well said, I belive communication today has become generic.. Not personal.. The occasional phone call never hurt any one.. But seems people find it easier to type in two lines to make their presence felt.