Wednesday, June 29, 2005

I pod music, do u?

It was many years ago that I would fall asleep to the voice of James Taylor. Dad had a small Sony casette player that he used. When I got older I inherited the player, while dad upgraded himself. That’s when I started to have an opinion about what I like to listen to and what I didn’t.

I also started buying tapes for myself. It was so much fun. Especially when I would go to America for my annual holiday and I would hear all the new songs, buy the newest music and it bring it back. I was the envy of all my friends.

Somewhere along the line, I heard of a new thing called the ‘compact disc’. But they were so expensive! Being a music lover, dad of course got himself a player. That paved the way for me to get myself some CDs. I remember, my first CD was Wham’s Make it Big album. Over the next few years I accumulated all of 5 CDs. Man I was on a roll.

Now 15 years later, I have something close to 250 CDs… and a truly eclectic collection at that. What next…

I discovered MP3s and started collecting music on my computer. Now we are in the age of portable players that support this new form of compressed music. The age of the Ipod!

What a smart move by Apple. It has boosted their overall sales, besides making them a whopping profit from the Ipod. Your choice of memory capacity from 4 GB to 60 GB…

I waited a long time, thinking, hoping, wishing that the price of the pod would drop to an affordable level. You would think it would, like most electronics do. But no such luck!

So I succumbed, and finally bought myself an Ipod. A 40 GB with photo (I mean how can I survive without being able to carry all my pictures wherever I go). I don’t believe I took this step but suffice to say I am thrilled out of my senses.

Does this mean I will abandon all my CDs? Are you kidding me? I still listen to my tapes, why should my CDs be any different.

So now I have a huge collection of music no matter where I am. Next step? To collect the music that I lack… whether tape, CD or on the pod.

In the words of the bard, “If music be the food of love… play on…”


buckwaasur said...

nice blog...40 gb? man...u r set for abt 10000 mp3 songs if i am not mistaken, right? cool. :-)

Reshmi said...

kewwl! i have been meaning to get one for almost 6 months! price seems to have dropped a tiny bit now. maybe for my b'day :D

Arpana Sanjay said...

Does anyone remember the days of LPs...? :-))

inmyeye said...

of course chay... my LP player still works and we still have all our old LPs...

now that we are shifting home, i intend to set it up in a way i can actually use it, instead of stare at it on a shelf...

reshmi.. go girl... let me know when u get it, we can share our music...