Thursday, April 07, 2005

At a loss for words? Let music fill your mortal souls…

Since the day I wrote my first little blog here, I told myself that I would write something everyday. Today I find myself at a complete loss.

I actually found that my sense of observation had taken a quantum leap. I keep filing away little things I see and hear thinking that they would make good material to write about. But I think someone reformatted my mental filing system… I can’t think of anything at the moment.

I looked for a muse today and found it in the guise of a friend. He suggested I write about music (since that is one my life’s biggest passions). This reminded me of a game my dad used to play with me when I was young. We would be listening to some music and every now and then he would ask me to articulate a visual setting for that particular piece.

Now my music track list is on random mode and let me see where this goes…

Girl you’re my angel, you’re my darling angel… A bar on a beach, men in trunks, woman in bikinis, there is a party going on. The sun is setting and bon fires have been lit. String lights dance with the breeze of the ocean. A couple is dancing like so many others around them. The guy asks the DJ to play a special song for him… This he dedicates to his lady, to tell her what she means to him.

How lucky can one guy be, I kissed her and she kissed me. Like the fellow once said, ain’t that a kick in the head… Tom (of Tom & Jerry fame) is standing on stage dressed in a pin stripe suit, his hair patted down. The lovely Ms. Cat, all white and clean, with her pink bow around her neck, bats her eyelids at him as he serenades her.

Exodus… movement of the people… A gathering of Rastafarians, and other like minded people. They are on a peaceful protest, the kind that has turned into a gathering. The air is ripe with the smell of cannabis. Every where you look there is a riot of colors, be it the clothes they wear, or the vehicles they drive.

People killin’, people dying, children hurt, you can hear them crying… Teenagers of a new world, sitting in the school yard practicing for a singing competition. They are of different nationalities, of different colors and yet the song they sing is what brings them together. They are determined to sing their souls and make this collaborative effort a winner.

This one has no words… it is just a quartet playing the tune that is all too familiar. Everyone is in the mood, watching the band play, swaying to the beat. Smoke fills the air, the scotch goes down smooth, not a single person can stop their feet tapping. And the saxophone sounds… play on… It’s “take 5”.

Georgia! Georgia, the whole day… It’s a darkly lit restaurant with candles at each table. Luxurious, expensive, but under stated. The finest wines are being drunk and the cigars give off a rich aroma. The patrons are dressed in their best suits and prettiest silk dresses. Some are dancing close; some are at their tables lost in each other. There are the few who sit at the bar hearing the great blues, watching the lovers in love. Everyone travels to their own world within their minds.

Speaking of traveling to people and their worlds, isn’t it amazing what a gamut of visions our minds are capable of. I can bet each of these songs would bring a different picture to every one who was to hear them.

So much for not knowing what to write! If my muse was not in a hurry to read this rendition, I would have carried on meandering till kingdom come.

Maybe some other time, when the visions are even clearer…


bilbo said...

Maybe some other time, when the visions are even clearer…

Lady, If that aint clear, I'll never know what clear is.
Loved the way u've picturised the songs. Especially the tom and jerry one. :)

Anonymous said...

pretty good girl.. really liked what u wrote.. last one a bit confusing since my mind is in twenty three places by the time i got there..but hey who says the world is just one big thought.. keep up the pace n those thoughts u might just inspire others to write

buckwaasur said...

lol inimai (yeah, gs's suggestion was the pick of the lot)

great one there...we have a bunch of music enthusiasts who'll come out both barrels blazing when they realize they have an addition to their tribe...i see ssm's already excited...:-P