Saturday, April 09, 2005

The frugelbinder!

Take a close look at your sneakers. See the plastic tube that goes around the end of the shoe lace? That’s a frugelbinder! What about the little umbrellas that accompany your daiquiri? That’s a frugelbinder!

Well all right maybe the umbrella is called a ‘cocktail umbrella’ and the plastic tube is called just that or some equally eloquent name. But that doesn’t stop them from being this wonderful thing called a frugelbinder.

You must be wondering what the heck it is I am going on about. Ask Tom Cruise in Cocktail, as he sits with Elizabeth Shue at an open air restaurant in the Bahamas. If any of you remember this scene from the movie, then you know what I am talking about.

For the rest of you – he is referring to the ultimate business idea. A product or service that is crucial in its own spectrum, but so small in the bigger picture, that most people will dismiss it. But for the reckless ‘mars or bust’ kind of people, it’s their ticket to fame and fortune.

Such an inspiration that movie was, that the word frugelbinder has imbedded itself in my head. I knew I had to find my own frugelbinder. I couldn’t wait to grow up, finish college, do my MBA (as everyone in my generation has done) and conquer the world with my own little miracle. I was quite sure that I would know what it is and before you knew it, I would be making millions and driving a Ferrari.

So many friends have shared similar aspirations with me. Some of them even went as far as suggesting new products, businesses, ideas. Our minds could work out all the nuances of each one and nothing ever posed a problem.

We were all going to do it… Then the only problems we would face, is whose pool to swim in.

Flashback over and I am sitting here writing this blog. I grew up (my folks may not agree, but I assure you I have). I did college (no doubt there). I didn’t do an MBA, but I did find a course that was even more apt for me. But, I still haven’t found my magic formula.

Have I given up the search? I would have to out of mind to do that. No Siree, I am still hunting. Today I am seeing an infant version of my ultimate goal; let’s call it ‘fru’. This I know, one of these days I will walk smack bang into my ideal. Then the world will be mine.

“Get rich or die trying” is what one of my t-shirts’ proclaims. That’s it, in a nut shell. What is the point of being educated, well read, exposed to a world of opportunities, if you cannot take each chance you get to do all you ever wanted?

What about you? What did you want, how far are you from getting it? More importantly, have you given up or are you still willing to take the chance? Most of the world’s best business people got where they did by sheer courage. If you don’t have the guts to try, you can’t get anywhere.

There must be something we can all do nearly everyday to take us closer to our goals, even if it is a small thing. Hey even plastic tubes are small things. Ask the guy who invented the glue that is world famous now because 3M used and packaged it to the hilt.

Come Monday morning, there must be something I can do to go one step ahead and so can you. Think about it! Till then happy weekend!

A toast to Cocktails and Dreams…


buckwaasur said...

lol...good one inimai...reminds me of this anecdote of an interview with jrd tata...

interviewer: what is the secret of business success?

tata: jump at every opportunity

interviewer: but how do u recognize an opportunity?

tata: keep jumping


bilbo said...

Damn , you are churning out some awesome stuff here.

What about you? What did you want, how far are you from getting it? More importantly, have you given up or are you still willing to take the chance?

Nice questions you've asked there.
Remember my amoeba. Thats the dream that I am following. Will get a geometry once the amoeba has reached where ever its going.

Don't think I made sense there. No wonder am in the asylum :)

asuph said...

okay inmyeye (or inyoureye, for I don't wan't anything to get in my eye),

now I can officially welcome you :) (well I did officially welcome you, but that was actually just a courtsey welcome, now I'm actually officially welcoming you to DSS). I told you I'll take time, but will do it (or I intended to tell you that, but then the lazy part of me said, tell her when you actually get to doing it -- why waste keystrokes? especially when, no one is certain of tomorrow)

okay, one of the things that happens when you publish (yes we like to call it that -- for it make us published writers :D) on DSS is that you get comments which are mainly in paranthesis (those are mostly my comments, but we'll let that pass). get used to it. the best thing is to ignore them and move on in life. don't tell me I didn't warn you.

this is when I come to the point, if at all. and the point is, nice blog. i think over time there is no "it" that one is looking for. for no matter what *it* one finds, that immidiately stops being such a big deal. I look at it like this -- I got that *it* right when I was born! and it will be with me till I pass away.

like I said, ignore me. monday morning is a pain in the wrong place!


Anonymous said...


Real neat stuff :-)

Got your link from Naaz's blog.

I'm an AIESEC alum too, and I attended the summer camp at EDI last year.

Were you part of their full time programme? One of my friends is planning to join it, and wanted to get some feedback on the same.

All the best with your frugelbinder.

Cheers :)
A fellow frugelbinder searcher

inmyeye said...

hi neil,

thanks for your comment.. i do hope you have enjoyed reading the rest of my blog as well....

i write and meander on everything i can find.. it's fun...

i was a part of the full time course at edi.. if you or ur friend want to get in touch with me about the program, feel free to email me on
