Monday, April 18, 2005

Ad hoc Cooking

For the first time, last night, I found myself cooking without the help of a recipe book. Good grief what was I going to do? I had been given an hours notice to cook dinner for 6 people. One person who I wanted to make sure would recognize my culinary skills and 2 of them being my biggest critics.

There was no time to go shopping for anything except the most rudimentary ingredients. There was no scope to prepare the perfect menu. From my point of view, nothing can be done without meticulously planning it down to the last grain of salt.

Thankfully my grandmother had sent over some mushroom crepes in white sauce. There was enough for everybody and it was delicious to boot. The first thing I needed to come up with was a fresh salad.

I sautéed some garlic and onions in olive oil, with only salt, pepper and loads of powdered nutmeg. Then I tossed in shredded red cabbage, bean sprouts and spring onions. I switched of the flame and let it cook in its own heat. The trick worked, the vegetables stayed nice and crispy. The aroma from the nutmeg was perfect, there, but not over bearing.

I still needed another something for the main course. Crepes weren’t going to be enough. Any conventional pasta would have been overkill. The solution lay in the unconventional.

I pulled out my wheat spaghetti and boiled them. On the second burner I heated a combination of extra virgin olive oil and Italian dipping oil. In came some more (or should I say a huge amount) of garlic. When this was ready to fry, I added in fresh mushrooms, green olives, cherry tomatoes and baby corn. On this I sprinkled loads of paprika (the pizza chilly kind) and Italian seasoning. As the vegetables started releasing water, I took it of the flame and mixed it in with the pasta. Now all it needed was some salt and to be tossed so that the oil coated the pasta.

We were in business, dinner was served and I helped everyone take a little of everything. Then as they started digging in, I followed the expressions around me with more trepidation than I showed.

At the end of 20 minutes, except for 2 spoons of pasta and 4 spoons of salad, there was nothing left. And 5 people got of the table saying that the food was fantastic. If I were to wager a guess, I think I would say I had succeeded in putting together a good ad hoc meal.

Few people would find something to be excited about in such a simple experience. Fewer still would think it was worth writing about. But I beg to differ.

Till last night I had never cooked anything without a recipe to follow or guidance from my mother. Nor had I ever made a meal in such a short time. It looks like I am finally getting a feel of how foods react when they are cooked and how to take advantage of this.

I don’t want to be just a good cook. I want to match if not surpass the standards of my mother and her mother. They are without doubt the world’s best meal creators I have ever encountered. The day I exist in the same league as them, that day I know I will be able to call myself a good cook.

Bon Appétit!


bilbo said...

wow, you a cook too.
Lady , Take my hats off to you.
I can totally identify with the wish to match mom's culinary skills. I still remember all the long calls I made from US to india/tokyo going, " Ma , how do you make this?"

bottled-imp said...

wow inmyeye that must have been a good meal!!! i think u have all the reason to feel smug about it. however, setting ur bar high as high as mothers is ambitious. i hope u get there!!!

buckwaasur said...

hehe...congrats...the ad hoc recipe sounds's to ur culinary goals...:-))

DilettanteMoi said...

yummy yummy... I love cooking.. for me it is so therapeautic.. not to mention I love eating too.. well, thats therapeautic too!! [Dont ask me how, it just makes me feel good, thats all!]

are you sure that you included the whole recipe here? I am gonna go try it out..

And I think, consciously or subconsciously we try to compete with our Ma/Pa[if he is a great cook]'s cooking skills.. sometimes I cook something that comes out delicious [so do people say] but I go "it doesnt taste like what amma made :("

Anyways, kudos to the cook in you!

La Louve said...

Thank you for increasing the font size, but seems that the prob is with my browser only... :(

I do not identify at ALL with the wish to match mum's culinary skills!! :))) She's an awful cook!! So is my Dad, so is my sis and so am I... :)A family trait...

When are you inviting me for dinner!! I cant imagine cooking food for 6 people... :)

Arpana Sanjay said...

And that my dear Immie, is the only way to cook, imo!! Ad hoc, but tastefuly!! (pun intended!!)

My dad cooks better than your dad!! hmpph!!

NS said...

Hi Inimai...:)
I am also going to try it out..:) I love and enjoy cooking!

Lol tocs & LL!

inmyeye said...

:-) loved what all of you have to say... thanks

LOL @ tocs, chay.. am not going to comment on my dad's cooking.. that's a blog on it's own.

funny, nithya... ya the whole recipe is there... do tell me how it turns out.. and if u make any modifications...

will share more, when i get into the kitchen next... till then.. happy eating... (man i'm hungry)...

Priya Sivan said...

it's a good feeling when ur effort gets appreciated! ain't it? :))