Thursday, March 30, 2006

Re-visited & Re-lived

A year ago, to the date, I started out thinking that I would blog everyday. I have just about managed one a week (this is my 52nd post on this blog)

I spent a better part of my day today reading my own blogs. They weren’t half as bad as I thought, and in fact going by the comments on them, they were pretty good.

It was pleasant reminder of what I went through over the last year, the people who played a significant role in my life. The feelings I had and the experiences I went through. Reliving moments was enjoyable and revisiting the inspirations was very interesting.

Not every thing was obvious at the time, nor is it today, to people who read my blogs. But I know that the people behind some of the entries know it’s them.

When dad first asked cajoled me into blogging, I never realized that it would become a chronicle for me. For that reason alone I am really happy I did start and kept it on to the best of my abilities.

If I keep it up, next year will be even more interesting.
So thank you dad for introducing me to this world; Mayur for making it finally happen, all my fellow writers at Dud Sea Scrawls for welcoming me to your sanctum and leaving such wonderful comments. My friends, a lot of who read my blog, some of who comment and many who don’t; and my muses who helped me write.

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