Saturday, November 26, 2005

Sisters over the years

"A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost."
Marion C. Garretty


On this day of yours, I wish all the happiness in the world for you. There is no one I know who deserves it more than you. Happy Birthday Sis!


Pri and I have nearly always lived in different cities. The few days we spend together now and then, are precious.

As children we spent many days at our grandmother’s house, playing all the time, fighting and hurting each other, loving each other. We couldn’t wait to meet, the first days were full of excitement and then the fights would start. But when the time to separate came closer all that would be forgotten. There was a sense of desperation to hold on to each moment. It was hell for our parents to separate us. We would cry and howl and nothing could comfort us.

A few months later, the cycle would start again.

When she would come to town, the highlight of my life was when she would come pick me up from school. I couldn’t wait to show her off to all my classmates. I honestly believed that no one could have a sister as perfect as mine. I still believe that.

When I went to stay with her, she made me do the same thing. Though I don’t think I will forgive her for making me go to her class in my pajamas.

The town she lived in was very safe and beautiful. I remember countless walks we went for as kids, even once when we didn’t tell anyone we were going and gave everyone at home a royal scare.

Then there were the midnight feasts when she stayed at my place (you can blame Enid Blyton for putting this into our heads) and countless hours watching the same movies over and over. Chitti Chitti Bang Bang was one of them. I can’t remember the name of the other one, but I do remember it was about a man, who had a ring with an inscription and each time someone read that inscription out loud, this man would turn into a large furry dog.

I have always wanted to follow in her footsteps, do what she did, and be like her. So when she applied for boarding school, all it took was for my mum to tell me this and I wanted to go also. Unfortunately, I didn’t get through one of the exams and the humiliation was so great that I never tried again. She went of to school and I looked forward to living the same life through her letters.

There are no words to describe how I felt when she asked me to come with her parents to her school. The first time was to pick her up. The second was for her school's prize giving ceremony in her last year there.

There she stood in her lovely pink and beige salwar–kurta (the school’s dress uniform), as vice-captain of the school, amongst the other captains. She looked so amazing and I never knew a prouder moment. That was my big sister standing there.

She always made everyone proud of her. Very good at academics, excellent at sports, never-ending creativity in everything she did. Nothing I could ever do came anywhere close to her. Much as I tried.

She did her college years in Bombay. Again I would have loved to be with her. But it didn’t work out. I reconciled myself by visiting her a few times. She always ensured that all her friends became my friends and made sure that I had a great time.

Soon after college, she met this guy and got engaged to him. They made a wonderful couple and I was really happy for her. A year later, they were married. That day when I saw Pri, I was speechless. I have yet to see a more beautiful bride.

Nothing changed... in fact she is probably the only person I know who didn’t allow her marriage to change her. To the contrary she seemed to grow even more as a person. Trips to Bombay became even more fun. My brother in law, Rushabh, is great company. When I heard she was having a baby, I went crazy with joy.

She still doesn’t forgive me for not going when her son was born. I eventually ended up seeing him on his first birthday. There was no way I was missing that day. And I have given her my word, that as far as possible, I will always be with her and Rohan on his birthdays.

Each time there was something special happening in her life; Pri made it a point to ask me to be a part of it. Every gift she ever gave me was thought of and specially chosen. There is no end to her generosity. No one else can ever make me feel so special

Every year on her birthday I make sure I call her at the stroke of 12 to wish her. Invariably she is asleep. Last night at 12 I looked at my phone, for once I decided to let the poor thing sleep. At 1, she called me, demanding that I wish her and cursing me for not calling. I can’t win can I???

Having a sister is wonderful, having one like Pri is good fortune. I am a very lucky girl!

"For there is no friend like a sister, in calm or stormy weather, to cheer one on the tedious way, to fetch one if one goes astray, to lift one if one totters down, to strengthen whilst one stands."
Christina G. Rossetti


bilbo said...

that was a beautiful write up abt your sis kaguma, and you chose really amazing pics to go with it. Do wish her a belated happy b'day on my behalf. Noi please dont call her at 12 to do it :P

Anonymous said...

it was about a man, who had a ring with an inscription and each time someone read that inscription out loud, this man would turn into a large furry dog.

thats some movie! :-)

really nice to read ime. she must be a lucky sister too. nice pictures to go with it.

Priya Sivan said...

Nice blog:) Those who hv sisters will understand. Those who dont hv a sis will definitely regret not having one :)

El enigma said...

hey inmyeye...a beautiful piece there...filled with so much nostalgia...I can totally relate to the feelings that u've expressed in your words....I can remember wanting to become like my di when I was growing the extent that I even wanted the same color of shoes, toothbrush, etc that she liked ;) ....but yeah, beneath all that magic of growing up, I realized that elder sisters totally rock ...always :)


inmyeye said...

my sister just read the blog and called up to say it brought tears to her eyes... her saying that did the same thing to me...

thanks all of you for your very sweet comments for the blogs and the pictures... i'll make sure she reads them as well...

enig... i guess wanting be like your elder sister is something that never changes...

shpriya.. pri's name is also priya...

bleu... pri remembered the name of the movie... 'the shaggy d.a."...

bilbo... didn't call her at 12, but did pass on your message...